Tuesday 3 May 2016

About Me

If I had to describe myself and sum up who I am as a person, it would start with crazy and end with health fanatic. The middle goes a little something like this:

My name is Lindsay and I am a 20 year old who has always dreamed of having her own blog. My only issue is I have so much ambitious to start but slowly subdues as time elapses. This time around however I have so much drive to share my knowledge with the world that I have high hopes I will continue on.

I am a full time student during the school year and full time Starbucks Barista during the summer. Without giving too much information away about where I am studying, I am majoring in a Nutrition program with high hopes to either be a Registered Dietitian with a Personal Training Certificate on the side. Or the very least, do public speaking in Nutrition because most days I can't stop raving about it to all my friends and family. When I am not studying, working or baking, I love to keep active outside or at the gym. As well as spend time with my friends and family

More personal about myself however, I have a loving boyfriend and very dear friends. I am a very outgoing person but sheltered at the same time. I am an extreme homebody with a dream to travel the world- how that works I don't know. I have matured way past my age where I don't enjoy going out and would rather read a good book on a Saturday night rather than go drinking.

The biggest inspiration for me to start this blog was due to my allergy diagnosis when I was 15. At the age where the 'teenage trend' was eating out, I was stuck in the clinic getting testing done. The results? Finding out I had to eliminate gluten, dairy, eggs and corn to maintain a healthy gut. This not only became a body shock, but an emotional one as well. But in my eyes today, that moment became a blessing in disguise. It inspired me to pursue the dreams I follow today and lead me into the lifestyle of healthy eating.

In this blog I plan to have posts that range from nutrition tips, current food news, my favourite heathy recipes and workout tips and routines I perform.

So come along and join me on my journey to living a healthy lifestyle!